The term “Work-life balance” may be used so much it can start to sound a little cliche. It’s not easy to be perfectly balanced between your physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental health all the time. On top of that, we have to take into account family and for some of us, our work balance. Look, it’s hard to balance it all. Usually one or two things have to give a little so the others can have the attention they need. Every woman handles this differently, especially when children are thrown into the mix. Hannah, owner of Madly and Love Blooms is one of those women who’s got a business, a family, and is just a cool lady. We recently did a shoot in my studio and got to talking about work-life balance. She had some great insights and strategies for other mom business owners I wanted to share, because who doesn’t want to know the strategies to others’ success?
I found out:
- Why she started her business
- What scared her about starting a business
- Tips and strategies for other home businesses
- FLOWER TIPS you can use at home at the end of the blog!
Here’s what Hannah had to say about why she started her floral design business:
For me, floral design is so fascinating and beautiful, but it is often poorly done or executed without much artistry or emotion. I received those tired bouquets with the fluffy bows one too many times. Instead, I wanted to try my hand at creating something beautiful with those same flowers, minus the ugly bow and dollar store vase. There was an industry that had a big gaping hole wide open for a newcomer and I knew if I, the consumer, was disenchanted there had to be others that felt the same way!
Was there anything that scared you about starting or having a business?
Taxes, paperwork, and failure. Taxes have ended up being okay, but I have to always keep that in my mind when spending money out of my company account. Am I keeping enough back for taxes? I always get a sick feeling each quarter when state taxes are due, but then it ends up okay.
The best thing to do if this worries you is to set up something like Quickbooks Small Business. It will keep your invoicing and spending in one place. I can even track my business mileage on the Quickbooks app. The fear of failure is always looming if I let it. I’ve adopted a very open-handed approach to my business. I see all of its success as a gift from God. If it fails that is also a gift, though it might not look like one at first and I am happy with whatever gifts He gives. I truly believe He works all things out for good in my life. Yay, for not feeling that pressure!
What tips would give for other mom business owners?
My tip is to keep your priorities in order. In my life, my husband comes first and then my kiddos and then my work. If that gets messed up, everything gets off kilter and our home doesn’t flow well. If a job doesn’t work for me and makes me have to put it before my family, I’ve learned to say no! Find what works for you and your family and don’t sacrifice that balance for your business.
Are there a couple workarounds or shortcuts you use to keep everything going or help with your stress level?
To-do lists really help me make it all work. I no longer just try to remember things, I just put them on a list and check them off. If I have it on a list, I can stop stressing. I list things like “grocery shopping”, “organizing ribbons” or “looking at bills”, etc. If I need to do it and I am slightly stressed, I just put it on a list. I just make sure to check it off as I go through my day. I simply use my phone notes as my list taking since I can be on my phone during my kids nap time or while I’m out. That way, I don’t have to carry around a physical list of paper and pen!
What are 3 challenges you face staying at home and working?
- Finding time with my kids and not answering emails or posting to social media for my business. I feel like they need me and that’s their time.
- Keeping our home life balanced with day to day things, while simultaneously ordering flowers, answering emails, figuring taxes and so on.
- Feeling creative. I often have to work after my kids are in bed or while they are napping and I have to stay quiet so I don’t wake them up. I don’t get to turn on music or spend the normal day light hours creating that some people have. Instead, I have to work until the wee hours of the morning so I can work around my toddlers.
What are 3 things you love about staying at home and working?
- I’m able to say no to work that doesn’t work for my family or isn’t creative, how’s that for work-life balance?
- My kids are having a childhood like I had and rarely have a day that I am not their main caretaker.
- I create our family’s schedule and do not have to worry about a boss needing me when I’m needed with my kids.
What are some flowers tips anyone can use at home?
- Carnations are seriously a gorgeous and inexpensive flower that can easily last up to two weeks if the stems are cut and water is changed. I suggest buying them in one color and throwing them into small votives, vases or jars for a beautiful color pop in any room in your house.
- Dried flowers are cool again. You can dry your own with silica gel or you can buy them at a craft store. Get a metal or wooden hoop and glue those gorgeous dried blooms on to make a boho chic wreath for your door or living space!
- Don’t be afraid to buy flowers at your local wholesale flower shop. I highly recommend Janal Wholesale Co if you live in or near San Antonio. Even if you don’t have a tax ID (reserved for businesses), you’re still allowed to buy flowers. You will have an abundance to choose from if you want something beyond the supermarket varieties!
More about Hannah and Madly and Love Blooms

Melissa is a San Antonio based Portrait photographer empowering people to step in front of the camera to help them flourish in life and business as they continue to evolve. or send a direct email to for more information!
This is absolutely wonderful to see a full insight into her floral business!! I love everything about this!
Making lists has helped me tremendously! It makes such a big difference, getting it out of my head and onto the paper. Somehow it allows me to “let go” a little bit and keep moving forward.