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A Brand Photographer for Woman Thought Leaders & Corporate Dropouts. Here on the blog you’ll find my photoshoot inspiration, education for entrepreneurs, and my latest travels!


Hi! I'm Melissa

LET's work together



Clarify Your Brand Message

san antonio cafe
Dora Vera – San Antonio Makeup Artist

I’ve seen lots of business owners wasting their money on their current marketing. There are many using the throw-things-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks method. If you’ll stay tuned to this and future posts, I’ll show you how to completely makeover your marketing. First, I’ll show you the best way to clarify your brand message.

Clarifying your brand message is key, so your audience understands what you’re saying without thinking too hard about it. Ultimately, a confused mind says, “no”, and doesn’t spend money. I’ll show you what the science has to say to back this idea up. But first let’s talk about what’s not working for you.

Did you start your business, make a beautiful new website, and notice your sales didn’t increase?

This happens to a lot of us, but it doesn’t have to be that way. After I started working in my studio in downtown San Antonio, I quickly started to shift my business to branding and headshots. I then had to shift who I wanted to attract in a jiffy. Early on, however, I was confusing my audience with my choice of wording since I didn’t know how to focus what I was saying in the most effective way. I had a beautiful website, so I didn’t understand why I wasn’t getting the inquiries I needed.

Dora Vera, San Antonio makeup artist

People buy products and services because they connect with the words they read, not what they see.

Visually pleasing products centered around a brand is important, yes, but where people go wrong is stopping there. Think of all the things you’ve bought on Amazon – come on, all you prime members, where ya at!?! You most likely read a description about the product, read a couple of reviews and then you bought it!

Dora Vera, San Antonio Makeup Artist

So, how do we translate this simple idea that Amazon has with our products and services? When it comes down to it, you need the right words to connect with people in addition to that eye catching website! If your website is the cover to your book, your copy is the wording that keeps people reading. You need to communicate with simple language people can understand. This can be challenging for creatives because they’re, um, well, creative.

I see this a lot with people in creative industries. They want to bring so much creativity to their brand and website, they end up confusing their audience! No need to have a bunch of fancy copy on your site, just clear cut descriptions about what you offer, how you set yourself apart, how you can help them (that’s an important one!) and how to contact you. Oh, and a clear map leading all the way to the contact part via your website.

Surviving, Thriving, and Conserving

When thinking about clarifying your brand message, there are a few things to keep in mind. Innate in all human DNA from the beginning of our existence are the following: surviving, thriving and conserving calories. First, let’s talk about surviving and thriving in today’s modern world.

It has evolved and translates to:

Social survival

Growing a business

Finding a tribe

Finding worth

Dating/marriage status

Being more efficient

Time management, etc.

How does this modern idea of survive and thrive effect your business? It effects it quite a bit! These are things people are looking for help with every day! How are you going to help people survive and thrive with your business? If you are doing so, make sure you communicate this in a quick and efficient manner throughout your brand, otherwise, people will not stick around to find out more and ultimately book your services or purchase your products.

makeup artist clarifying her brand message by showing behind the scenes of her experience

This leads directly to conserving calories. This is the last part of the survive and thrive mindset that is within all of us, it is simply how our brains are wired. On average, humans burn about 600 calories per day. This is why our brains are constantly interested in ways to simplify things throughout the day, it’s conserving energy. So if you’ve got a 4 paragraph explanation about where your business started from, you will lose them to a competitor that is getting straight to the point. Remember, you really want to clarify your brand message, and that message needs to explain how YOU will help THEM survive and thrive.

Whether you’re writing on a blog post, social media, copy on your website, or when talking about your business, clarify your brand message by only communicating information that in the following way:

  1. Helps people survive and thrive
  2. Communicate in simple language so they don’t need to burn any extra calories to understand what you’re trying to say!

If you liked this information, you’ll LOVE what I’ve got coming soon!

In my next posts, I’ll explain how to

  • How To Find Your Ideal Clients the Smart Way
  • How to Use your Testimonials and Reviews to Strengthen Your Brand

More about Building your Brand here:

Build A Brand That Books
Getting Past Your Blocks To Prosper

4 Ways To Create Trust With Your Brand

Finding a tribe

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A Brand Photographer for Woman Thought Leaders & Corporate Dropouts. Here on the blog you’ll find my photoshoot inspiration, education for entrepreneurs, and my latest travels!


Hi! I'm Melissa

LET's work together



Melissa Raelynn Photography Studio  |  1333 Buena Vista St. Studio 206 San Antonio, Texas 78207  |  © Copyright 2015-2024 Melissa Raelynn Photography, LLC