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A Brand Photographer for Woman Thought Leaders & Corporate Dropouts. Here on the blog you’ll find my photoshoot inspiration, education for entrepreneurs, and my latest travels!


Hi! I'm Melissa

LET's work together



Halfway Point Business Check in

We’re at the halfway point, y’all. In case you weren’t aware, July 2nd is roughly halfway to the end of the year (that’s 183 days, if you’re counting). Congratulations, we’re halfway! Now we can look back at all the fun goals we set for ourselves, as well as see how we are going forward into the rest of the year. Here are some tips…

Plans, Goals and Vision Boards

Revisiting Your Goals

Remember those goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year (or maybe the end of last year)? That plan of action to reach those goals?

Goals like:

  • Finally hiring someone to professionally create a website that’s beautiful AND functional
  • Joining that Pilates class and actually going every week
  • Reaching that $$$$ per month goal
  • Reaching that $$$$$ per year goal
  • Finally hiring that branding photographer so you look more legit (*wink wink)

Well, it’s time to check in! Most likely you will have one of these two reactions:

  1. You may be surprised to find you have already accomplished quite a lot! Woo-hoo!
  2. Crap, I forgot about some of these goals I planned and I need to get back at it!

The Rest of the Year

Okay, you took a look to see all the fun pictures you put on your vision board, what your income and client goals you had; now what? Looking at these goals you set for yourself is a great way to motivate you no matter which reaction you had, but here are the next steps:

  • If you got a lot accomplished (congratulations!), you can start thinking about raising the bar for next year.
  • If your goals fell by the wayside, you have plenty of time to get back on that horse, friend. Get back to it!

Did this exercise take you by surprise?

That’s okay, not everybody is super on top of it all. If you’re a bigger picture planner (like me), you may only make your goals and plans and rarely ever check in until the end of the year! After I went through this exercise, however, it really opened my eyes to how I’m doing, and can actually change (or keep)trajectories based on what I found.

Know Your Numbers

You may have heard this before, but if you want to keep up with how you’re doing in your business (and plan pretty much everything in your business), the numbers are key, friend! How much risk did you take? How much did you spend and where in your business? Did it pay off? Did you see growth where you didn’t see it last year? Here are a few other ways you can check in quarterly or at the halfway point with hard numbers to answer these questions:

COST CENTER (your CRM should have this built in, or check your Quickbooks – also called, “Profit Center”) – these have stats that can track everything from, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly numbers. It can track where you’re getting your leads, what your conversion rate is, etc.

INSTAGRAM – On business IG accounts, you can look at your insights tab and it can show you quite a bit of info like, how many accounts you reach, stats on your top stories, etc.

FACEBOOK ADS – I’ve just started doing Facebook ads so I won’t be able to track what I did for next year! If you’re curious, I’m running a Lead Ad where I have a free download to opt-in to my email newsletter.

GOOGLE ADS – If you don’t currently run Google ads, disregard this one. I’ve had my google ads running for about 3 years now and I love how I can track clicks, campaigns I’m running, the top searched words where people saw my ads, etc.

If you answered, “hell yes” to still wanting to hire a Personal Branding Photographer, someone who will make you feel amazing look feel free to reach out and set up a quick chat:

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A Brand Photographer for Woman Thought Leaders & Corporate Dropouts. Here on the blog you’ll find my photoshoot inspiration, education for entrepreneurs, and my latest travels!


Hi! I'm Melissa

LET's work together



Melissa Raelynn Photography Studio  |  816 Camaron St. Studio 218 San Antonio, Texas 78212  |  © Copyright 2015-2025 Melissa Raelynn Photography, LLC