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A Brand Photographer for Woman Thought Leaders & Corporate Dropouts. Here on the blog you’ll find my photoshoot inspiration, education for entrepreneurs, and my latest travels!


Hi! I'm Melissa

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Establishing Your Brand Using LinkedIn

Establishing Your Brand Using LinkedIn

Updating Your LinkedIn Profile with Professional Photos

When I meet a woman who is reinventing herself in the world, I pay attention. When I meet a woman who is reinventing herself after the age of 50, I take notes. Wendy came to me in need of updating her LinkedIn.  She knew exactly what she wanted and I could tell from our first conversation this was a smart, endearing, go-getting, gem of a lady.

Having a professional photo in your profile is as important as showing up to a networking event or interview looking professional. Employers look at LinkedIn and scope their hires out first. They want to see what you’re about, how you view the work you do, what you stand for, make sure you’ve got the kind of experience they need, and they just want to get a feel for the human behind the work. It helps to show up not only in your profile picture, but also in an occasional post or article so people can relate the human with what you do! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve met women in business at networking events who tell me they looked me up after meeting me. Yes, even AFTER meeting me! And this type of Social Media Photography isn’t going away any time soon. LinkedIn is so important in the business world, so if you haven’t taken the time to properly set up your LinkedIn profile, description, or bothered to do any posting, do it.

LinkedIn has even introduced Cover Videos (so far, a mobile feature only), because video is so important for our connections online now. More on that, and how to incorporate a Cover Video in LinkedIn into your profile here.

Establishing yourself in your industry through Marketing Assets

2 types of marketing assets that aren’t going away are social media (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) and email marketing. LinkedIn is a huge player in the business world when finding employment, making connections, and allowing people to find out more about working with you. It’s also a way to show you as the subject matter expert and the go-to in your industry. And you can invent and reinvent yourself at any time.

Think about what your potential clients are wanting to know, and what kind of questions you usually get asked… then simply answer them in articles and post. And the great thing about your Personal Brand for marketing is that it’s never a one and done thing. Just like you are always growing and changing as a human, so should your brand, and brand photos!


3 Things to Consider Before Updating your LinkedIn Social Profile

  1. How do you want to be perceived?
    1. Think of how you are in your personal life and how you are with clients.
    2. How you want to be perceived should be a bit of both.
  2. What are the things that my raving clients say about me?
    1. Think about conversations and look back at reviews/testimonials
    2. What are you known for?
  3. Find a photographer that you not only connect with, but that can translate all of the above visually so you can communicate it through your profile pictures to make you stand out.

When you are wanting to create your own personal brand (and show all of the above) find a brand photographer you trust to communicate all of it through the lens.

Enjoy these highlights from her photoshoot!


If you’re wanting to level up your profiles and website, and curious about working together, click here:

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A Brand Photographer for Woman Thought Leaders & Corporate Dropouts. Here on the blog you’ll find my photoshoot inspiration, education for entrepreneurs, and my latest travels!


Hi! I'm Melissa

LET's work together



Melissa Raelynn Photography Studio  |  816 Camaron St. Studio 218 San Antonio, Texas 78212  |  © Copyright 2015-2025 Melissa Raelynn Photography, LLC