One of my favorite returning clients is Artessia “Tess” House, attorney and founder of Tess House Law, an awesome entrepreneur in her own right in San Antonio, Texas. Tess has an amazing story and just a glimpse in the kind of person she is, one of her mottos as a lawyer is “We carry your burden, so you don’t have to.”

She’s been making her own way ever since she graduated law school and started her own practice. I’ve loved working with her since 2019 as she’s continued to build an awesome reputation in Family, Divorce, and Criminal Law as an attorney in Texas.
When she connected with me about updating her photos again in the studio in addition to photographing her and her team, I was psyched to make this happen.
It is these women and their passion for what they do, who are READY to do the work, step outside of their comfort zone and give back with their business. It was so nice to share a space with these amazing women in!
And lot’s of lovely pics for you to check out of the true boss team.
Enjoy the highlights:

Melissa is a San Antonio based Portrait photographer empowering people to step in front of the camera to help them flourish in life and business as they continue to evolve. or send a direct email to for more information!