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A Brand Photographer for Woman Thought Leaders & Corporate Dropouts. Here on the blog you’ll find my photoshoot inspiration, education for entrepreneurs, and my latest travels!


Hi! I'm Melissa

LET's work together



Melissa Raelynn Photography Self Portrait Photoshoot

Have you ever just gone for something to see if you could do it?

I did something extraordinary yesterday… I decided to turn the camera around on myself. I haven’t done a self portrait since the beginning of my business, in 2015.


Fears about being photographed

Here at Melissa Raelynn Photography, I like to keep things real. All the normal fears came up that I expected… should I have my makeup professionally done? Should I go buy a new outfit? Should I Photoshop myself here and there? What’s the perfect pose? What would people think if I didn’t think about any of these things and shined a light on my imperfections? The thing is, I’ve spent most of my life trying to “fit in” and be “good enough”, so this self portrait photoshoot was a bit of a rebellion.

This is why I created my As You Are sessions!  This is for my fellow rule breakers, my overcomers, my go-against-the-normers.

And because it’s important to me to experience things as my clients would, I decided  yesterday I would photograph myself in this way. That way, I can be in their shoes and better prepare myself with how they will be feeling and can create experience that will be freeing.

I’ve photographed hundreds of beautiful souls in my studio here in San Antonio, as well as Nashville, Florida, and Denver, and I’ve heard all the fears that come up before, during, and even after photoshoots.

“I don’t know what to do during a photoshoot.”

“Does this look right?”

“How does my hair look?”

“Did we get any good photos?”

“Can you Photoshop my arms/belly/neck…?”

I have to admit, I thought these exact things before this self portrait photoshoot.

For me, I’ve been self conscious about my shoulders and arms; so you know what I did? I wore a halter top to really shine a light on my fears. And I absolutely love how they turned out and even found a way to give myself so much love for all the parts of me. I really found myself in the studio for this session, and I loved her.


What you actually need for this photo session

The beautiful thing about the Melissa Raelynn Photography As You Are sessions is that you don’t need anything fancy to get in front of my camera. You don’t need to get any new clothing.

  • There’s no pro makeup artist, so you can do your own hair and makeup like you would on a normal day or even come without makeup if you wish!
  • There’s no Photoshopping at all
  • These studio sessions are in black and white for a gorgeous, monochromatic look that evokes so much emotion.
  • I guide you through movement and expression and it’s a safe space where you can be yourself, but there’s no traditional posing.

When you put aside your fears about being photographed

Not only am I proud of myself for just going for it, it didn’t require a lot of planning or preparation. I just showed up. That’s all. So many times we are so worried about doing things perfectly or what others would think. But the magic of just going for something is you are always glad you did!


As You Are San Antonio Photo Sessions

You are worthy of being in front of the camera and my As You Are black and white photo sessions aren’t limited to age, gender, or ability.

If you’re looking for a fun, unique photoshoot experience in San Antonio, reach out to book your own As You Are session!

I invite you to experience this one-of-a-kind portrait experience for yourself.

Visit for more information and booking information.

Enjoy the highlights of my As You Are Session and stay inspired.














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A Brand Photographer for Woman Thought Leaders & Corporate Dropouts. Here on the blog you’ll find my photoshoot inspiration, education for entrepreneurs, and my latest travels!


Hi! I'm Melissa

LET's work together



Melissa Raelynn Photography Studio  |  816 Camaron St. Studio 218 San Antonio, Texas 78212  |  © Copyright 2015-2025 Melissa Raelynn Photography, LLC