Can you think of something you’ve done in your business life that scared the hell out of you? The universe makes us grow, even the universe is constantly expanding around us. So why wouldn’t we also translate that to our business?

What They Told Us
They told us, having a business has challenges. They told us it wouldn’t be easy. They told us it was going to be scary sometimes. What they didn’t tell us is that if you feel comfortable all the time, you also aren’t going to expand and grow your business! That’s why RISKS are so important!
As entrepreneures, we all have different challenges, but there are definitely some similarities between us and taking risks is a big one. If you’re a perfectionist (like me), you know it’s too easy to get caught up in those details. Ever feel like you needed to do tons of research, read the statistics, ask your friends, weigh the odds, then still feel like you’re not ready to do something? Yep, that’s the perfectionist talking, friend, and it can be hard for us to take any risks!
The Good News
I’m not saying a good bit of research and weighing the odds doesn’t need to factor into decisions for your business. But at some point, you will need to take that step (or in some cases leap) for the expansion and growth of your business. You plan and plan for what’s to come, but what good is that plan if you don’t put that plan into action?!

My Scary Moments
Some of the best things I did for my business were the scariest decisions I ever made. Can you relate to any of these:
- renting a studio before I consistently had clients
- plastering my face all through my website and socials
- networking at events
- launching a new service
- rebranding while raising my prices
- expanding my business in a new state
- delegating things I didn’t want to do in my business
These were all be nerve wracking moments, but into the fire I threw myself! Nothing was perfect when I first started them, but I’ve been tweaking and pivoting along the way.

The Moral
To take a risk is to live, friend! Nothing amazing ever happens to someone who is a comfortable spot. So, pitch that collaboration idea. Start that website. Launch that webinar. Write that book. Once you do, you’ll wonder why the hell you didn’t do it sooner! I’ll be there to cheer you on.

Melissa is a San Antonio based Portrait photographer empowering people to step in front of the camera to help them flourish in life and business as they continue to evolve. or send a direct email to for more information!