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A Brand Photographer for Woman Thought Leaders & Corporate Dropouts. Here on the blog you’ll find my photoshoot inspiration, education for entrepreneurs, and my latest travels!


Hi! I'm Melissa

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How to Market Yourself Better

There’s a lie a lot of us tell ourselves. It’s the lie of not being a good marketer.

I was not a marketer. I was “just a photographer”. I absolutely couldn’t think of things to say or do online, and worst of all, because I felt stuck, I just kept perpetuating the lie I told myself, siting my lack of success as the “proof” that I wasn’t good enough to market.
The irony of it all is, now I’m known for my marketing. After years of thinking others do it better, that it’s “just not me”, my clients are the ones that tell me that they’re inspired by my emails and social posts. *insert audible gasp
Now after 7 years in business, I’ve learned how to market myself better, and I want to help you do the same!

The truth is, we all tell ourselves (including me), “That’s not my thing”, “I’m just not a marketer.” I’ve got great news for you, friend. All you need are some tools and the patience to follow through in using them.

There are a few things you can shift and actually choose your own adventure when marketing yourself.

  • You will do what you actually like.
    • How would you enjoy showing up online? What’s the most enjoyable thing for you to create? Start there. I love email newsletters, I like updating my website and blog posts are my jam. Those 3 are what I mainly focus on, with a little Instagram marketing thrown in on the side. Others I know I “need”, but don’t love. So for those, I just exist on and a few times a year, update, like LinkedIn and Facebook.
  • Adding value can look a lot different for you than it does for me.
    • Think about your favorite brands. How do you hear from them that you like so much? That’s a clue that it could also work for you.
I know “shifting your mindset” is super trendy right now, but hear me out…what if your mindset about marketing is actually keeping you stuck? Are you willing to let it go for the sake of doing things better?
Now I’m going to list some shifts that will start helping you to move the needle.

Shift #1 – Your Mindset is key

Sometimes naming a thing can help release some of the fear it has on you. Below are common mindsets that have personally kept me stuck with not marketing my business.
Do any of these sound familiar to you?
  • I’m not a marketer.
  • I’m not good at this.
  • I’m doing this all wrong.
  • There’s no room for me.
  • I’m too old to start doing this.
  • This already exists.
  • People don’t need to hear from me.
  • Will anyone even care?
  • What if I fail?
  • The algorithm doesn’t like me.

Shift #2 – Plant your flag.

(And keep planting it)

You don’t have to get stuck feeling like you have to have a perfect business or show up perfectly before putting yourself and your services out there. We’re actually hardwired to notice what’s different.  Just look a fantastic brand like, Liquid Death as a great example of this idea. There’s nothing innovative about water and Liquid Death is no exception. They don’t add any electrolytes or anything to make their water better. Simply put, they have a strong flag they planted and it ties into who they want to attract (and repel – which is important) and how they want to come across. Now they stand head and shoulders above every company selling water because they took a different, hard rock approach to everything about their products. The owner has a great story because he used to market for rock shows, so he used that story to bring together Liquid Death products and now it’s unlike anything in the water market.

But I don’t want to repel anyone.

If you’re thinking, “But I don’t want to repel anyone.” Just remember: Anything designed to appeal to everyone are unlikely to resonate with anyone. This goes back to planting your flag. Your marketing needs to convey, “this is who I am”. “This is who I’m for.” “This is my story.” “This is why I do it well.” And your website and marketing need to be story based. Think of the big political figures in our culture. Think what you will of the way they create policies or how they come across, but there’s no doubt they either attract or repel you.
Ways to differentiate yourself:
Brand – What’s your unique approach to your product or service? How do you talk about it? What’s your tone?
Price – What’s the current market for your product or service? Are you the luxury version or the more attainable version?
Story – What’s your unique story that led you to make this offer? What problems, desires, and goals did you have?
Packaging – How do you present your offer? What does it come with? What’s the experience?

Shift #3

Make sure your packaging matches your product.

Matching your packaging to your products may seem obvious for product based businesses, but for service based businesses, that means making sure your website, your photos, and ads match the level of services and actually spells out what exactly you offer. Has it been a while since you’ve even looked at your website?

Here’s a quick checklist of items for your website:

  1. SEO for Google – here are some examples of good SEO based on what people search for
    1. “business coach”, “corporate coaching”, “business coaching near me”, business coaching for _____” insert your ideal clients.
    2. “family lawyers near me”, family lawyers free consultation”, “best family lawyers”
    3. “financial coaching”, “financial coaching for women”, “financial coaching services”
  2. Can your audience figure out these in 7 seconds or less:
    1. Who you are
    2. What you offer
    3. How to contact you


After the above questions are answered, your audience will scroll to see if what you are showing and selling is resonating with them. If it is, they’ll feel like you are a good enough fit for them to want to click on your offer or take the next step in working with you – or not.

Don’t get so busy working in your business that you neglect your website.


How old are your business portraits and brand photos?

This should go without saying, but if you have old headshots on your website, then you need to update these asap. And yes, people will know they are outdated when you have any in person or online video contact with your clients. If your website or photos look outdated, what does that say about your business?

A good guide is if your photos online are more than 2 years old, chances are, they don’t reflect the person you are now. They don’t represent the energy you and your business are currently in. Not to mention were the market currently is. Photos aren’t merely pretty pictures, they are energy! How many times have you seen that one billboard of that one lawyer in your town that has had the same photo on their billboards for 5 or 10 years?

Remember: Stale energy online = stale feelings about your business

After doing this for almost 10 years, I’ve got lots to say on the subject of marketing yourself. I’d love to hear what you think and if you’d like to learn more!

If you’re ready to uplevel (or just update) your business portraits, and put a new energy out online, contact me here:

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A Brand Photographer for Woman Thought Leaders & Corporate Dropouts. Here on the blog you’ll find my photoshoot inspiration, education for entrepreneurs, and my latest travels!


Hi! I'm Melissa

LET's work together



Melissa Raelynn Photography Studio  |  1333 Buena Vista St. Studio 206 San Antonio, Texas 78207  |  © Copyright 2015-2024 Melissa Raelynn Photography, LLC