If you’re an entrepreneur who’s just starting out in your business, chances are you sometimes feel overwhelmed with all of the costs that go into starting a business and promoting your personal brand. It can be really challenging to distinguish a smart investment that’ll lead to more money down the road from an investment that’s just a waste of your already limited funds. But certain investments can make all the difference!
We’ve narrowed it down to just three core investments every entrepreneur can (and should!) make in their personal brand.
1. Website
In today’s world, your website is essentially your storefront. It’s what sets the tone for your entire personal brand. It’s usually the first exposure potential clients EVER get of who you are and what you can offer them. And with tools like Wix, WordPress, and Squarespace, you can get a gorgeous, professional-looking website for an affordable price, even if you’re not especially tech-savvy. A clear roadmap is a must so people don’t get lost on your Home Page. Here are some helpful things to remember
Your Audience needs to be able to do the following on your Home Page within 7 seconds:
- Know who you are (who are you, what do you look like, what’s your vibe)
- What you can do for your clients (thinking about the ideal clients you want to work with)
- How to work with you and contact you (email or phone, which ever you prefer)
2. Logo
A logo doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s okay to go it alone and download a template in the beginning, but a freelancer can also be a very economical way to go. Remember, your logo will be all over your email newsletters, your social media, your website, your business cards, your merch, and beyond. So make sure it is something that visually that ties into your brand that you won’t get sick of in a year.
3. Personal Branding Photos
Your personal brand photos are what bring your brand to life. It’s okay to feel nervous, 99% of the women I work with don’t like being in front of a camera, even the ones I’ve featured here. But remember this, these images make your entire personal brand more human and relatable. They allow your potential clients to “meet” the absolute best version of yourself. A great personal brand photographer will help you to get in the right mind frame so you can communicate your likability, trustworthiness, professional side after just a glance at these images. (It’s also a great way to build up content for social media platforms and blog posts!) *To put you at ease, remember that your audience simply wants to connect to a human and everyone needs that connection with you, not your logo.

4. Social Media Presence
Social media doesn’t need to be overwhelming. It is, however, helpful in the beginning to focus on 1 social platform, start posting once per week, and be consistent. Then after a few months, start posting twice per week, and so on until you can get comfortable with what your audience likes and wants to see. The algorithms on all the platforms are set up to see that consistency and show it to more people as a reward. Where does your ideal client hang out? If they are younger, i.e. 25-35ish, Instagram is a great place to start. People 40 and over most likely have a Facebook presence. If you are a more corporate business (with corporate clients) LinkedIn is a great platform. The thing about it is, it isn’t set up to be as social on a daily basis, but is a good place to simply have a presence with a post a few times per year so your potential clients can look you up (sort of like an online business card). Remember, Social media is generally used to research what you and your business are really about, and what you stand for, kind of how Google was used 20 years ago in the same way.
Pro Tip: Be mindful you are not only selling yourself and your products and services on these platforms; they are meant to be inspirational, entertaining, and educational!
Your personal brand photos are what bring your brand to life. Don’t be nervous, 99% of the women I work with don’t like being in front of a camera, even the ones I’ve featured here. But remember this, these images make your entire personal brand more human and relatable. They allow your potential clients to “meet” the absolute best version of yourself. A great personal brand photographer will help you come across as likable, trustworthy, and professional after just a glance. (It’s also a great way to build up content for social media platforms and blog posts!) *A tip I use for my clients to put them at ease is to remember that their audience simply wants to connect to a human. They’re likely not worried about what their body looks like, only what they can do for them.
These three investments are crucial to help you solidify your personal brand and achieve success in your business. Investing in a great website, a unique logo, and professional personal brand photography will always be worth it.
If you’re thinking of investing in your Personal Brand and have questions about my process, reach out, I’d love to chat! https://melissaraelynnphotography.com/contact

Melissa is a San Antonio based Portrait photographer empowering people to step in front of the camera to help them flourish in life and business as they continue to evolve. https://melissaraelynnphotography.com/contact or send a direct email to hello@melissaraelynnphotography.com for more information!