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A Brand Photographer for Woman Thought Leaders & Corporate Dropouts. Here on the blog you’ll find my photoshoot inspiration, education for entrepreneurs, and my latest travels!


Hi! I'm Melissa

LET's work together



50 and Fabulous With Her Own Business

“Finally I know every in and out about me and accept it all.  I wouldn’t go back now because I’m a better person now at 50 than I was at any other age.”  This little lady (at 5’3″), who lives in Littlefield, Texas (yes, that’s actually a town, and it is little – population 6,039), has overcome so much already and still has some big plans.  She is a true testament to the power of women and success through perseverance.

 Sarah sporting her Rodan and Fields blue inspired dress.

Sarah sporting her Rodan and Fields blue inspired dress.

Sarah DeLuzio isn’t just any beautiful woman, she is a United States Air Force Veteran who served her country faithfully for twenty years.  She’s a role model to her two kids and everyone who meets her.  She’s one of the most down to earth people I’ve ever known, easy to talk with, and sharp as a tack.  She is my former colleague and I’m proud to highlight her and her new venture.

So what does one do after serving their country?  Sarah had a different idea, she’s not the retiring type 😉

There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there is so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on

— Zayne Malik

 White dress with white background. I've always loved this look, it's flattering on everyone.

White dress with white background. I’ve always loved this look, it’s flattering on everyone.

After serving in the military for twenty years she had many physical issues keeping her from doing things, especially getting another job.  Most of the problems you can’t see, but she’s overcome all of them and has been thriving with her husband by her side and selling the insanely popular skin care company, Rodan & Fields.  People in her little town said nobody would buy anything from her, but were they ever wrong.  

People are starting to recognize her more and Sarah has a steady income now selling amazing skincare products she can be proud of, and she owns it. 

When I asked her what the best part of her job as a Rodan & Fields Executive Consultant was, she recalled a time when she didn’t even have Facebook:

“I wasn’t as connected with my family, friends, and community.  Owning my own business forced me to finally get a Facebook account and I’ve loved reconnecting with everyone.  I also love meeting new people through my business, identifying their skin problems, and helping them with my products, it’s extremely fulfilling.”





She is serious about helping people and now makes it a point to wear her Rodan & Fields t-shirt when she can:

“When I wear my blue R&F shirt I always have people approaching me and asking if they know what can help with this or that skin problem they’re having.  Once, I walked into an Ulta and practically got trampled by employees asking me questions, it was a cool experience I won’t forget.”

Sarah practices what she preaches, and has seen significant differences in her skin due to the care and products she’s been using through her company.



When I asked about why she chose that particular business she had this to say:

“I feel like I am finally using products that work and that treat the issues, not mask them.  In the past I’ve thrown my money away on cheap products that were filled with ingredients that weren’t working for my skin; it was actually making my skin worse.  Even if, for some crazy reason, I decided to walk away from selling these products, I will continue to use Rodan & Fields for the rest of my life.”

So, I asked the three rapid fire questions.  I’m always amused with the way people answer when told not to think to much about it:

Me: What do you love about your age?

Sarah: Finally I know every in and out about me and accept it all.  I wouldn’t go back now because I’m a better person now at 50 than I was at any other age.

Me: What is your secret beauty weapon?

Sarah: Coloring my hair.

Me: What obstacle have you overcome?

Sarah: Procrastination. I hate procrastinating now, I used to do it all the time.  I get so much more accomplished now, I’ll never go back.



I think her favorite quote says it all about this amazing woman, I’ll leave you with it and my favorite image from our shoot.

Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.

— Mark Twain
 Sarah DeLuzio, Executive Consultant, Rodan & Fields

Sarah DeLuzio, Executive Consultant, Rodan & Fields

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A Brand Photographer for Woman Thought Leaders & Corporate Dropouts. Here on the blog you’ll find my photoshoot inspiration, education for entrepreneurs, and my latest travels!


Hi! I'm Melissa

LET's work together



Melissa Raelynn Photography Studio  |  816 Camaron St. Studio 218 San Antonio, Texas 78212  |  © Copyright 2015-2025 Melissa Raelynn Photography, LLC